It's been so long since I last blogged, so let me show you a few thousand words.
Here are some shots taken from my Motorola ROKR E6
I was, and still am to an extent, averse to upgrading to an LCD especially mostly because there is not one LCD monitor that can boast of the color reproduction, viewing angle, contrast or response time of a CRT monitor. Maybe, with the future SED (technically not an LCD), OLED or Laser monitors, this can change. But, at present, CRT monitors own LCDs.
In addition, my 2407WFP-HC monitor has inverse-ghosting issues. With a bit of tweaking the color controls of the monitor, I have minimized, but not eradicated this problem. I'll probably give a call to a dell rep sometime about this issue and try my luck with a replacement monitor. I am just post-poning that bit of hassle when I get really annoyed by that effect. So far, only Counter-Strike: Source suffers most from this ailment.
But, LCDs do have their own aces up their sleeve. The things that sold me were low power consumption and widescreen aspect ratio.
If you had asked me on Jan 1st 2008 what my resolution for this year will be, I would've probably said 1920x1200 :)
If you know your definitions and resolutions, 'Full High Definition' or 'Full HD' is 1920x1080 and the 2407 can go up to 1920x1200; Gaming in greater than HD resolutions is something else.
Here we go again with the pictures:
First, some night shots of my Ye Olde Samsung 997MB 19"(r.i.p) desktop for screen real-estate comparison.
And now, say hello to my new best friend:
Note the size of the iTunes player in the CRT and in the new screen. That's the difference and that's exactly what I wanted.
Here's something else I wanted too: Widescreen HD gaming. While lotsa real-estate can make any gamer giddy as a school girl, LCDs come with built-in "motion-blur" and in some cases, like mine, a bit of (inverse)ghosting. While free motion-blur may sound like a good thing, the effect gets real annoying real soon. But, once you get over these minor gripes, the extra viewport area really gets to you, in a good way.
Ofcourse, widescreen HD movies never looked this good in my old CRT. But, here are a few snaps from the really unworthy camera on my ROKR E6:
Where do I go from here? Unless I upgrade my video card (or go SLI, tri-SLI or quad-SLI), I guess I am stuck with 24" and lower screens. All the recent video cards released after the 8800GTX (which I have) make for a pathetic upgrade.
No, the only option left for me is to volt-mod this card and OC the hell out of it. I've made up my mind on this and I've already got all of the parts, at quite some cost as they had to be bought from an US store. It's just a matter of time, lots of it.