Saturday, November 06, 2004

Bashed :(

I've been doing a lot of bashing around these days. Hardly a week passes before I read atleast a hundred quotes. Though I don't like the profanities, I like the humour in those quotes. The metaphorical devil in my idle mind spews out a lot of sarcasms and jokes from time to time, and what's a bit unnerving is that they seem to have mutated lately to follow the chat format. And, of late, with a soupcon of profanity (don't tell mama!)

I will write a few of the impromptu ones that prompted me to write this article.

The other day, I was watching "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" in my Onida HomeTheater and came back and switched on my computer. Then I was imagining what would people say if I was talking about this on irc (Actually, I don't chat on IRC. But I like quotes.)

A): What do you think of the T-virus?
B): T-virus? Does it go well with tea? :p

[Then I just said "no sh*t" while actually typing "sh*t" as the password at the login prompt!(Meanwhile, my computer's password is "sify") Nah, I don't mind giving away my password.
What's that you say? You sayin' "Stupid password"?Well, the password is the way it is just so that my mom or dad won't accidentally type a few random characters and accidentally hit enter and accidentally enter my login. That is, assuming they accidentally clicked on my account icon rather thatn on their's at the login prompt. Considering my dad's and mom's knowledge of computers, I would say the probablity of these things happening would be
somewhere around,

Math.pow (iReallyBigConstants.INFINITY, -1)

And this ofcourse decays with a rate equal to , the half-life of my parent's ignorance of password cracking skills. Or so I hope. I mean, do I have anything to hide from my parents? ;p]

I was sittin' around idly and the devil cranked out a "joke" from his workshop, again in a format:

A): So what excites you about going to America for your M.S?
B): Hmmm....well, I am going to get aids there.
A): ...
B): Er..the financial kind.

It's time I stopped reading irc quotes, I guess :(


Anonymous said...

lol.neato..thnx fer the site :D
u got a good blog.liked it thou i'm not into tech.

Anand kumar said...

Heh, thankx. Needed that.