Sunday, October 09, 2005

Of Meh, Meep and Bleh.

I am a great fan of and lately I am coming across a few foreign looking exclamations that seemed to be some kind of ultra-cliche among the IRCers and in the blogosphere. So I set out to find out about them but had difficulty googling them out because all occurences of these words were of their authors using them coversationally casually. So here's a small list with their possible meaning and an usage example in no particular order. Referred to the wiki and this and this site.

A reply expressing unenthusiasm. I heard it said first by Lisa in The Simpsons. Then everywhere I looked, there was this word! Here's a discussion on this word's origin.
- "Hey kids, do you want to go to the old age home?".
- "Meh."

Exclaimation expressing dismay or unfortunateness. Sounds like it's come from the word 'bah'.
- "Gah! Curse this lag!"

Exclaimation expressing uber anger, like that of a battle cry. Probably formed by melding Blah and Aaargh. I think it it describes a 'sputtering rage'.
- "You are a st00pid n00b!".
- "Blargh! I am going to h4x0r you to death!".

An exclaimation of fright, exaltation, anger or just about anything you feel at the time of usage :) But mostly when the utterer is surprised nastily. Sounds to that it was derived from the meek cry of a lamb.
- "Muhahaha, all cower at my uber sniping skillz!".
- "Meep!".

An exclaimation used to express utter contempt along with a blatant boredom at doing something.
- "Bleh! This work sux0rs!

An exclamation of surprise and, especially, disgust. I've also seen it used as an expression of dismissal or rejection of an idea.
- "They all so strongly believe that I will fail. Bah! I'll show them!".

An exclamation said after realizing that you have said or done something stupid. It was invented by the makers of Homer simpson who cut short the syllable in 'duh' to make him say it quicker. Such was the popularity of the show that almost all the dictionaries have included this as a word to mean "annoyed grunt".
- "Hey biatch, you've dropped your purse here!".
- "D'oh!".

An dumb person. Someone with no brains and does nothing, just like the mammary sense of the word.
- "Boob! You almost fubared my plan!"

A feeling of self-pity, anxiety and mis-understoodness by others. Mostly referred to teens wallowing in their depression and complaining rather than taking any action.
- "Gah, LiveJournal is overflowing with angst filled teenz."

Also written as FooBar, it stands for Fu*ked/Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition/Repair. Originally a US military term where it was used to describe a mission's status quickly, it's "foo + bar" version has been used in computer field extensively for representing a two functions. This is perhaps the only non-sensical word that has become a metasyntactic variable and eventually to have it's own RFC!
- "Heard about that accident? His car and body are fubar!"

An exclamation of whooping when victorious in an argument or an event. I think it is a mutated version of "Oh yeah". Many spelling variations exists for this word: Boo-yea, Boo-ya, Boo-yeah and the like.
- "Did u see me score that one? Boo-yah!"

A quantum of happiness (?). People who are very 'Ping' are 'Pingful' and can exude ping others intentionally or unintentionally. It's the opposite of Blargh.
- "Ping! I am so happy that I can die right now!".

An exclamation expressing a whooping. This is supposed to be used by Dungeons and Dragons online RPG game addicts when they receive loot, while chatting, instead of "wow loot!".
- "W00t! I won!".

An exclamation used to describe someone you just beat in some competition of words or action, but especially in online multiplayer game. It is basically 'Owned' with a deliberate typo. It's origin is definetly of gaming backgrounds, but whether it is from warcraft or quake is unknown.
- "pwned!!! Haha, what a n00b!"

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