Friday, October 29, 2004

What is the science behind barbie and other crazy stuff

Just how cuckoo can a research topic for a paper be? The answer is that it can be really very much indeed.
Here are a few of the research paper topics that I found in a magazine that tries to turn science upside down:

Research topic1:
Do too many cooks spoil the broth? Questioning the proverb!
Reasearch topic 2:
Why Barbie is perceived as beautiful? Barbie ain't human!
Research topic3:
Conclusive proof of global warming from studies of frozen confectionary.

And the one that I found totally cool was this:
Staying dry in the damp: Should you run or walk in the rain?

There are a few more and then some under the guise of articles, experiences and stuff. Fortunately, this is the first edition of the magazine, and nothing more than an epitome of trivialities. (Hmm....and what would this blog be if I were writing about such sites....Yikes!)

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