Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A simple matter of Evolution.

Someone sent me this above picture among others for me to get a few laughs. Unfortunately, I couldn't decisively conclude on the author's message. So I let my right-brain run amuck and came up with a few good candidates for the author's intention. Here are some that I can come up with:

I guess this one's talking about stature of the depicted person (coz I don't believe that everyone's using computer in that particular way) which has returned back to the one characteristic of the primate to the extreme left.

Another way of interpreting this would be that the mobility of human beings is on the decline. (I can imagine an AD with the above picture and another one below it depicting the latest human using a palmtop standing straight and walking around as well, as a promotion for palmtops.)

Or maybe the picture is depicting a world where humans evolved but chose not to wear anything, even after reaching the info age, and the words below as saying that something on earth went wrong because we on earth wear clothes. (Maybe an AD for a Nudist Club?)

Or, maybe the author is all for a hairy guy and wonders what went wrong as the humans got lesser and lesser hair coat than the chimps.

Or, maybe it is talking about the too abrupt shift from Hard tools (spear, jackhammer, etc) to soft tools like the computer, and the comment can be taken to be wondering what made the sudden shift.

Perhaps the real meaning is not for me to know :)
I guess I have too much free time.

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